I also can't help but wonder whose responsibility it is to watch out for these things. I would say its like 55% the photographer and 45% my responsibility. I would say with things like make-up or hair, it would be more like 90% my responsibility and 10% the photographers responsibility. By that I mean, it's probably not the photographers place to comment on your choice of makeup but if there is lipstick on your teeth or mascara on your eyelid they should probably say something.

We got the rest of our engagement photos!!! So I obviously had to share some of my favorites. I love this shot because it makes my legs look sooo long and I think its a great shot of my favorite pair of shoes!

Now that I have these photos in my hands, I just have to figure out how to put them to use. Of the top of my head, I am thinking photobook and/or StDs. What did you do with your e-photos?
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