One of the first things Mr. Pancakes and I decided early in the planning process was that we wanted to be as green as possible. The reality is, this is the most money we'll have ever spent on anything and we don't want to spend it polluting the planet. To us this means we will only spend money on things that are really going to be meaningful or useful. For example we won't use tiny bags for favors that people will just throw away, when we could just use one reusable basket or just put them out on a table.
When thinking about our guest book, we really wanted to think of something that we would get to appreciate for years to come. Personally, I like the idea of putting our engagement photos into a bound album and having guests sign it. I also like the idea of a photo booth with polaroids that the guests can sign and add to a wishing tree or something. Enter Internet. There are SO many amazing alternatives to the traditional guest book.
When thinking about our guest book, we really wanted to think of something that we would get to appreciate for years to come. Personally, I like the idea of putting our engagement photos into a bound album and having guests sign it. I also like the idea of a photo booth with polaroids that the guests can sign and add to a wishing tree or something. Enter Internet. There are SO many amazing alternatives to the traditional guest book.

I also really liked this oar idea. I don't know why but I think that these oars would look nice up on a wall or something. However, I don't think these go with the theme of our wedding.

I love the way these wish trees look. Plus if you got one of those metal book rings, you could make a little flip book out of the messages. That could make be a really sweet keepsake. I was also thinking we could even use some medium size luggage tags and then make a little luggage tag book. I would stamp one side with quotes or something and the guest could write their messages on the other side. It would be A-DORABLE.

This bowl got me thinking about ring bowls... If you have few enough guests, you could have everyone sign your ring bowl which would be an amazing keepsake. I also like the picture frame a lot.

This is one of my very favorites. The Guest"book" quilt. Since my sewing machine no longer works, I would probably have to buy a quilt and just have the guests sign it, unless I could find someone who was willing to sew the squares together for me. I also love this idea because it is so practical. I love quilts and it would be great to have one that was covered in the warm wishes of the people I love most.
What are some other great ideas that I've missed?
What are some other great ideas that I've missed?
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