For a number of reasons, we have decided we want a destination wedding. I have literally been dreaming about my wedding day since I was 7. When I think about my wedding it is not a series of small parties that lead up to the big day. Instead it's more like Mardi Gras. It's an event that just builds for about a year but is basically a week-(or more) long vacation filled with laughter, friends, fun, and of course a little bit of alcohol. Additionally, because our friends and family are coming from all over the U.S. and some from even further, I really wanted to make sure I would get to enjoy having all my favorite people in the same place. How amazing does that sound? I know its selfish but its MY WEDDING :D
Originally the debate was between somewhere in the Caribbean, Mexico and Costa Rica. Then we realized that we kind of had to get married on the pacific. That's where we met, that's where we are both from, and according to Mr Pancakes, the Atlantic is not even really an ocean. It quickly became obvious that all WE really wanted was to have the wedding in Costa Rica. Pacific Ocean...check. Surf...check. Monkeys (yes, monkeys)...check. What more could we want?!!?
Then came the guilt... I felt guilty that its gonna cost my friends so much, I felt guilty that we weren't going to be able to have a catholic wedding, I felt guilty that the wedding is all about us and not at all about my parents.
Then I stumbled upon this amazing blog. Tulle and Feather is this amazing blog that follows the journey of two California brides to be, one from San Diego and one from San Fransisco. Here's what I read regarding destination weddings:
{For More from Tulle and Feather}
I don't know why it took the words of a stranger to make my decision but I totally agree with her. I only pray that my friends and family will support our decision and decide to join us on this amazing journey. We love and adore you all.
How did you decide where to have your wedding? Was it a tough decision? Were your friends and family supportive?
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