So here's the deal on these darling details. As far as I can tell they come in a few colors: red, green, hot pink, blue and gray. You can get them from Kikkerland and they come in boxes of 50 for $3 or 144 for $7. Shipping and handling is $10 because Kikkerland is in the UK.
Art Fire also has them in packs of 100 for $16.
There are also a number of sellers on Etsy and Ebay who sell these straws but they all seem to be fairly pricey. All the Etsy sellers I could find seem to sell them with the flags included so they are about $25 for 20!
While it seems like most people like to decorate the actual paper straws, I love this mix and match idea. How a-dorable are these stirrers??

The further along I get in the planning process, the more I realize that one of the best and worst things about a small wedding is that I am convinced that I can add/afford anything and everything....sigh.
Update: I told my sister about my obsession with these straws and then she sent me this email:
How fabulous is my sister! I am now the proud owner of 100 pink and white paper straws. I heart my sister :D
Has anyone gotten these straws? Did you find any good deals? What other wedding details have you fallen in love with that you didn't even know existed?
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